What if women came together to make the world better?
What if we pooled our financial resources, ideas, and energy?
JWF-NJ members take a thoughtful, active, hands-on approach to philanthropy. Through our giving, we invite women to be agents for change and to positively impact the lives of women and girls in New Jersey.
Founded in 2007, JWF-NJ pools philanthropic dollars to successfully fund innovative secular and Jewish programs and special initiatives, provide education on vital issues, and engage in advocacy efforts through a gender lens.
Our focus is often on areas that are of importance to many women — families, workplace concerns, self-esteem, education, and domestic violence, among others.
The concept is simple. JWF-NJ’s policy is “one woman, one vote.” Every member is an equal stakeholder in a transparent decision-making process. You too can affect meaningful change and transform lives.

YOU too can affect meaningful change and transform lives.