Maximum request: $25,000
JWF-NJ accepts Letters of Intent (LOIs) from 501 (C)(3) organizations to support New Jersey-based projects consistent with our mission. The Trustees select those LOIs which are subsequently invited to submit a full proposal. The Large Grant Period runs from July 1 of a given year through June 30 of the following year. Funding is on a one-year basis; organizations may reapply annually, but funding is not guaranteed.
Please see the Grant Guidelines page for more eligibility criteria.
- December 18, 2024: Invitation is open to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) through FOUNDANT grantmaking system. The access code is JWF-FY26
- January 22, 2025: Completed LOI due
- March 7, 2025: Successful candidates are invited to submit a Full Proposal
- April 2, 2025: Full Proposal due
- April 23 - May 8, 2025: Site Visits (in-person) or Virtual Visits
- On or before May 22, 2025: Successful applicants are notified
- July 1, 2025: Initial funds are released
- January 2026: Interim Reports via Zoom and second half of funds released
- June 30, 2026: Conclusion of grant period
- July 31, 2026: Final Report due
Maximum request: $5,000
JWF-NJ wants to get to know your organization and see how you are empowering and/or supporting women and girls in your New Jersey-based community. With the short application available through FOUNDANT, please show us how a small grant of up to $5,000 can offer a big return. Please note: Grants are competitive. Project funds must be used by June 30th, the end of JWF-NJ's fiscal year.
An organization that meets two or more of the following criteria is eligible to apply:
- Demonstrates that the grant can make a big impact in jumpstarting a project.
- Demonstrates that the grant is timely and addresses an issue with immediate urgency.
- Demonstrates that the grant can be used to cover the costs (or the majority thereof) for a self-contained expense (e.g., purchase of specific equipment).
- Is an organization with a budget of less than $250K annually.
Please see the Grant Guidelines page for more eligibility criteria.
- Early September, 2025: Invitation is open to submit a Short-Form Proposal through FOUNDANT grantmaking system. The access code is JWF-IMP26
- Early October, 2025: Proposal due
- Late November, 2025: Successful applicants are notified
- Early December, 2025: Funds are released
- July 31, 2026: Final Report due
To see a recent application for the Impact Grant, click here. NOTE: You must apply via FOUNDANT. The access code is JWF-IMP26

What You Need to Know
JWF-NJ accepts applications for grants during two specific grant cycles:
• JWF-NJ’s Spring Cycle - Large Grants to be disbursed in the next fiscal year (July 1 - June 30)
• JWF-NJ’s Fall Cycle - Impact Grants to be disbursed in the current fiscal year (before June 30)
All applications must be submitted through the Foundation’s grantmaking software, FOUNDANT